Friday, August 31, 2018

Waiting...waiting...waiting for Apartment Contract

Friday, August 31, 2018

      Namaste from Bombay!
     Once again I was spoiled by the wait staff at the Dining Hall of the West End Hotel where I breakfasted on idlis with sambhar and coconut chutney, channa batura and a freshly made dosa over hot coffee.  I could get used to these morning treats! Then I showered and dressed and left for my Dad’s place in Bandra on the local suburban train with which I am now feeling very familiar.
     Today was meant to be devoted to helping my Dad and my brother Russel fill out their passport renewal application forms. As I do not have internet connections yet (I am waiting to install them in my new studio), I suggested we go to the local printing outfit where, with the help of the shop assistant, we could carry out our intentions.  However, after calling Ajit, the man who runs the shop, we were kept waiting all day for him to get back to us and let us know when would be a good time to come—the store is small and tends to get very crowded with local students getting forms filled online. It was a waiting game for most of the day.
     I had also received the contract from my landlord and had gone over its clauses and had requested many minor changes.  This delayed the registration process that was supposed to take place today as his legal team needed to approve my recommendations for change. That was another long waiting game. During the day, I was able to hop across to the bank and obtain the new passbook I had ordered, initiate internet banking and pick up forms relating to my Dad’s bank accounts.  Because my Dad is not computer savvy, he still uses old-fashioned things such as passbooks and checks entries carefully as he is skeptical about identity fraud and does not fully trust computers!
    After lunch, I had a short nap and then spent time drafting my August newsletter.  By the time the evening rolled up, I was ready to go to Mass with my Dad, have an early dinner and leave the house for my train ride back to downtown Bombay.
     On my return to the hotel, I finally received the revised draft of my housing contract, was able to review it and confirm that I will be at the contract ‘closing’ tomorrow at noon with my cousin Veera accompanying me. By then, I was ready to fall asleep.
      It had seemed like an endless day of waiting for something to happy. We never did get down to filling Dad’s passport renewal forms as Ajit never did call back—something to which I have to get accustomed in Bombay!~ We will now postpone the chore until early next week.
      On a more negative note, I have what seems like Strep Throat. It is sore, raspy and irritated and brings on an occasional cough. Is this the result of the infamous air pollution in Bombay???
     Until tomorrow...

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