Sunday, November 4, 2018
It's Sunday Again!
Namaste from Bombay!
Not much to report today except to say that I am deliberately waking up later now in an attempt to ensure that I get enough sleep. Today, it was 6. 30 am. I had intended to clean my studio before leaving for the 9. 15 am Mass (which is now my preferred service), but with the paucity of time staring me in the face all I managed was to read older blog posts and download the The Sunday Times. Then, because I simply could not wait, I used the Tarn-X silver polish that my friend Leslie had carried for me from the States and used it to polish my sterling silver English 'Bachelor's' tea set purchased from the Silver Vault in London about 10 years ago. It took me all of 15 minutes but you cannot imagine the difference it has made in terms of my desire to drink my tea in the evenings. With the salt sea air of Bandra being what it is, I can see myself having to polish my silver tea set at least once a month.With my tea set glinting, I found myself left with only enough time to eat a hurried brekkie--it was a cup of coffee with a croissant which I spread with peanut butter (one half) and Nutella.
Then I dressed and went off to church. I picked up a vada pau for Russel and was saying hullo to Queenie and a few familiar faces after which I hopped into her car as Dawn drove me off to her place so we could do an interview. It was a shortish interview as, being a younger person, there is not much history she can recount or any concrete examples she can give to substantiate the statements she makes. In fact, I will need to do some home work now to corroborate the veracity of what she said. But that is part and parcel of my job as a researcher--to plumb the depths to look for the truth and to verify it by providing factual data and evidence for the information that people pass on to me. I also spent some time chatting with her father, Joe.
I dashed off to Bandra Gym to place orders for the pizzas that we decided would be our lunch today at Dad's. Then, I dashed off home, five minutes away, to wear something more comfortable and less formal than my church clothes. I also picked up cake that I wanted to give to Russel and Dad.
Back to Bandra Gym I sped as I picked up the pizzas and then walked the ten minutes' to Dad's. Russel was looking good and was hungry and eager for his lunch. We had pizza with Cokes for lunch--a welcome change--after which Russel settled down for a snooze and I chatted with Dad.
Back home, I did some reading of The Sunday Times before my eyes started closing and I took my forty winks. Once up, I found enough time to actually turn to my cleaning. And this I did for the next hour. My kitchen counter, window-sill, floors, bathroom fitments and everything else glowed by the time I finished, about an hour later.
I then sat down to watch Midsomer Murders while sipping a pot of tea (yes, in my newly sparkling tea set) with an absolutely delicious coffee/cinnamon eclair that my friend Celia had brought me, the other day. Now that I know where I can get really good eclairs in Bandra (American Express Bakery), you know where I am going to be a frequent buyer!
An hour later, after feeling fully relaxed on a very warm and humid day that saw me leave the AC on all afternoon, I walked to Dad's for dinner taking with me all the leftovers from my own fridge as tomorrow I will receive a new tiffin! We had ourselves a smorgasbord of leftovers--Dad, Russel and I--as we put together all the offerings from his fridge and mine. In fact, the leftover pizza of the afternoon was kept away for snacking tomorrow at Dad's.
Back home, I spoke briefly to Llew and at great length with Chriselle after which I served myself some lovely Gianni's Chocolate ice-cream with a sprinkling of roasted nuts as I continued to watching Midsomer. But I did not finish it...At 10.30, I decided to call it a night.
Until tomorrow...
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