Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Seeing Two Physicians: A Dentist for Dad, An Orthopedist for Russel

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Seeing Two Physicians: A Dentist for Dad, An Orthopedist for Russel

     Namaste from Bombay!
     As my title says, this is pretty much what I did today. I woke up at 6.30 and began transcribing my interview with Melville Rodricks which brought me up to date with my current interviews. A quick brekkie of broon with spreads and coffee (after I caught the bread man and summoned him upstairs) and I was off to pick up Dad for his 10.00 am appointment with his dentist. The stitches from his lower set of gums needed removal today.
     It was actually far more painless this time than it was last week when Dad dealt with stitch removal of his upper set. This time the doctor used a local pain-killer which made Dad's mouth and tongue very heavy (and kept them that way for a couple of hours) but he did not feel a thing. We were home within the hour.
      Dad then requested me to accompany him to his bank which I was very happy to do. He brought his passbook and Russel's up to date and found out what his balance was.  The bank was packed but somehow he managed to get his tasks done as I assisted when I was needed. I then got back home and finished up transcribing my interview with Melville.
     My next appointment was in the evening at 5.00 with a new orthopedist whose opinion we are seeking with regards to Russel's ability to walk going forward. That left me the afternoon to get substantial work done, so I did not waste a second.
     Meanwhile, email from NYU kept me busy too as I had to respond urgently to a few items. I am also in the process of organizing the teaching of a workshop in another part of the Fulbright world--hopefully, things will fall into place and I shall know soon where I stand.
     I had my lunch: chicken curry with gherkins and chole with one chapatti--I realize how much I missed them for I am really enjoying them. Sadly, I haven't been able to go to the gym for a while and I do really miss it. After lunch, I sat and transcribed another interview--this time with Dolly Thakore while also making phone calls to finalize and schedule a few more interviews in the next couple of weeks.
     I finished typing my interview with Dolly but had to keep the proof-reading for later. I dressed again and went off to Dad's at 4.00pm and then after he'd put together the X-rays--old and latest--we were on our way. For some reason, Uber told me that there were no cars available. I don't know if there is something wrong with the service or with what is happening on the app where I am concerned, but we had to end up taking one of the yellow cabs--which was annoying.
     Anyway, we got there at just past 5.00 pm--the clinic of Dr. Harish Bhende is called Laud Clinic. It is at the bottom of Tilak Bridge in Dadar East, close to the Hindu Colony. We were kept sitting there till 8.00 pm if you can believe it! This is not usual, we were told, as several things went wrong today that delayed all appointments! Unbelievable! Luckily, I had carried my former student Priti's novel (Out With Lanterns) and I pretty much finished reading it while waiting. Thankfully, I'd had the foresight to carry some reading material or I might have torn all my hair out in impatience. Poor Dad! He remained stoic through it all.
     The consultation with the orthopedist was very good indeed and certainly worth the wait. Although we left his office deeply disheartened at Russel's prognosis, we feel that the consultation was sound. We now have a clear idea of what lies ahead and what decisions we need to take. However, in the cab on the way back, both Dad and I were almost speechless. We were offered a lot to digest and I told Dad that we would talk things over tomorrow--which he completely agreed we should do.
     Back home, I ate my dinner--a repeat of my lunch while watching the final episode of Season 3 of Line of Duty--which was absolutely scintillating. I knew I would have difficulty falling asleep as my mind was raging with foreboding thoughts, but somehow, after a while, sleep did come--mercifully.
     Until tomorrow...  

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