Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Getting Back into the Bombay Groove Again

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Getting Back into the Bombay Groove Again

     Namaste from Bombay!
     I am happy to have late rising these days and 6.30 am is late for me. I went straight for my laptop and began catching up with email as being without digital communication in Uzbekistan created quite a big backlog. I had a long chat with Russel's physiotherapist Valerian on the phone to keep him updated on Russel's situation and our need to go in for further surgery. He provided very helpful pointers to enable us to make our decision about which orthopedist we should use.
     With a quick shower, I was out of the house and en route to Dad's to help him with some paperwork. I bought a case of a whole dozen Alphonso mangoes from a cart on the side of the road and took them over to Dad's. What a treat it will be for the next few days!
     Dad needed me to straighten many of his accumulated bills (gas, phone, electricity) and to put them in chronological order. I managed to do that quite quickly. I also assisted in reading some reports for him in The Times of India. It is astonishing to me how he still manages to stay abreast of what is going on in the country and the world despite only being able to read the headlines in the local papers and listening to TV in the evenings.
     I stayed over at Dad's for lunch (fish curry, cauliflower with one chapati) and cut a mango for dessert--still a bit under-ripe, we have decided to wait for a day or two before eating them.
     I then set off for home and once there, got down to my laptop again. I had to complete and update my Uzbekistan itinerary now that my trip is finished. I had to send out a number of Thank You emails to the many people who helped make my trip possible and successful in Bombay, Delhi and Tashkent. I had to catch up with email responses, I had to make a few calls to reschedule interviews, I had to catch up with two blog posts. I also began drafting my April newsletter to be sent out tomorrow. Eventually, when it turned 6.00 pm, I stopped and got ready for leave for church.
     I went straight for the Novena (since it is a Wednesday) and met Dad at its conclusion. Shahnaz and I were supposed to have dinner at Otter's Club, but she did not get back to me with a time and was not answering her phone. She is probably too caught up with her parents' fragile health at the moment.
     Instead, I stopped off after Mass at Dad's, measured Russel's waist as I need to change the elastic on many of his shorts, and then got back home. I finished drafting my newsletter and then got down to my own dinner of Cream of Vegetable Soup with cheese and crackers. I watched Hinterland but was falling asleep before too long and decided to call it a day.
     Until tomorrow...

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