Wednesday, May 22, 2019

More Library Swotting in the Merrie Month of May

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

More Library Swotting in the Merrie Month of May

     Namaste from Bombay!
     Wow! These blog posts are sounding boring even to my ears--same old same old. As I was saying most sensible people leave the city of Bombay for more civilized climes during this sweltering month and the ones who are here have the comfort of air-conditioned offices. There is no better way for someone like me to pass the day than to sit in an air-conditioned library and I am patting myself on the back for the excellent planning that led me to finish off all my interviews before the heat set in. This allows me to spend the month of May in a cool library doing nothing more pleasurable than reading books, researching and making notes.
     I awoke and had chapatis and spreads of breakfast as I try to finish up my fridge supplies. I have suspended my meal delivery service for the next two weeks as I roam around South America with Llew. (And I can think of nothing more pleasurable than that!)
    I am also thinking of the things I shall do at Heathrow airport in London where I have a four-hour layover on my way out (nine layover on my way back!): Boots for my face creams and nail-polish supplies, Carluccio's for a nice Italian dinner (I even know what I shall order starting with their caponata and ending with their tiramisu), Jo Malone for spritzing, Harrods for any seasonal buys...the list goes on.
     Then I showered, took the bus and train and bus again to Nariman Point to the library at the NCPA where the spent the entire day. I finished reading and making notes from Geoffrey Kendal's autobiography The Shakespeare Wallah and began reading the autobiography of Naseeruddin Shah entitled And Then One Day. I finished reading about a hundred pages (wonderful tribute to Geoffrey Kendal in this book) and shall make my notes when I get back from my travels. It happened to be the birthday of the Director, Khushroo Suntook, and every staffer was presented with a gift bag containing mithai. How lovely!
     Back on the bus, train and bus again home, I made myself a pot of tea and was enjoying a few nuts when it was time to leave for Dad's. I was headed for the Novena. The two of us stayed on for Mass and I parted company with him at his gate before getting back home. I had a larger dinner than usual as I am trying to finish things in my fridge: white pumpkin with lentils, mince with a chapati and Waldorf Salad. I watched a movie called I'll Be There--really fun, really good. With Craig Ferguson and introducing Charlotte Church, it was very entertaining indeed. I have always loved the voice of Charlotte Church (I own her CDs) but to see her act in a movie was just delightful. It always amazes me that people have multiple talents that they are able to harvest in these ingenious ways. She isn't half bad as an actor either and there was a lot of her lovely singing in the movie which was very well plotted and had a delightful sound track. Thanks to Netflix and air-conditioning in my studio, these summer nights are fully fun.
      Just before I fell asleep, I got the very sad and very shocking news of the passing away of one of our closest friends in Connecticut, Anup Modi. I was on the line then with Llew who contacted his wife Laureen and had a brief conversation with her. He intends to visit her this evening as he will be missing the cremation service because he will be traveling with me in Argentina and Brazil. Anup was always fun to be with. He was a great host and parties at his place with Laureen bustling about, were always eagerly anticipated by our Pot Luck Dinner Group back home. I have also had great times with their daughter Alicia in London where she has worked as an engineer and lived for over ten years. I am so sorry to be so far away from my friend Laureen and unable to support her at this time. May Anup's soul rest in peace.
     On that very sobering note, I fell asleep thinking of all the things I have to do before I leave for Buenos Aires.
     Until tomorrow...

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