Monday, October 22, 2018

A Very Uneventful (But Restful) Sunday

Sunday, October 21, 2018

A Very Uneventful (But Restful) Sunday  

     Namaste from Bombay!
     I do not have much to write about today really--because not much happened! This was a good thing. It meant I had a chance to rest completely before getting back into the swing of the work week tomorrow.
    Up at 5.30am, I blogged and caught up with email, Twitter and the Sunday Times on my iPad. Next, I had my breakfast--muesli and coffee.  I left my studio at 8.55 am for the 9.15 am Mass--a slightly different schedule today as I had been invited to attend a meeting for new Lectors at 10.15 am--right after Mass. It made sense to adjust my Sunday Mass schedule accordingly.
     The church was packed--a far more substantial crowd than I have been seeing at the Saturday 7.00 pm Mass or the Sunday 8.00 am Mass. I have decided that this will be my Mass from now on. The singing was good, the energy of the crowd and their spirituality fed my own sense of peace and I recognized a vast number of people that I know.  It happened to be Mission Sunday and there was a sale of home made foods and delicacies outside the church which meant that there was a steady buzz at the end of the 8.00 am Mass and at the beginning of the 9.15 one.
     The Lectors Meeting was very enlightening.  Melville, who conducted it, went through the three Ps with us: Punctuation, Phrasing and Pronunciation. He gave us examples of the common mistakes made when folks read the Word. I ended up learning a bit more than I thought I would.
     I went directly to Dad's to spend the morning with him and Russel and to have lunch with them. I found Dad was very weak indeed. His cold was slightly better--no more dripping nose (so the inhalation with Vicks that I had suggested he do yesterday has worked) but he had a bad cough and looked very poorly indeed. However, because he is Dad, he refused to take any bed rest. He preferred to sit and chat with me although he looks downright ill. I did most of the talking and he listened and that was how we passed the morning. As the doctor is not available today (it being Sunday), I have told him I will take him to the dispensary tomorrow at 10.00 am. He is ready to go there tomorrow.
     Lunch was basically the foods he had bought that morning from the church sale--yes, if you can believe it, poorly as he was feeling, he took a rick to the church and back to buy Russel some delicacies--hot dogs, pan rolls, potato chops and caramel custard! As you can imagine, I was annoyed at the fact that he risked fainting somewhere in his determination to go out and get some eats for Russel--but that is my Dad! Infuriating, incomprehensible, fairly flowing with love for us all!
     We enjoyed our lunch and right after we were done, I left and returned home. I had a shower and feeling nice and fresh with the AC running on a very humid afternoon, I sat down to read the last of my novel My Oxford Year by Julia Whelan (which, I discovered, was written after a screenplay had actually been written first. I tried to find the film on You Tube but did not succeed). Then I took a nice relaxing nap.  When I awoke, I thought I would visit my cousin Meera and her husband Cyril as I have not been to their place since I arrived in Bombay.  But they were on their way to evening mass and I had to change my plans.
     Instead, I simply sat and watched Midsomer Murders on You Tube on my TV screen.  I am still so excited that I can do this. It opens up immense possibilities for me of long hours that I can spend with British TV.
     At 7.30, I left my studio again and walked to Dad's to have dinner with him and Russel. We basically ate leftovers from the last week as both of us seem to have loads of them. In fact, I called Valerie of my meal service and told her not to send me my tiffin tomorrow as I have leftovers at my place to finish!
    An hour later, I was home again. I read the Magazine section of The Times of London until I felt sleepy and then turned off the light and fell asleep. I also decided, just for fun, to read my blog posts from ten years ago, when I was living in London--I thought I would read the one I had written for October 21, 2008.  It is so much fun to do so! I discovered that ten years ago this time, I was struggling with plantar fascittis and was house bound for 2 weeks! I will be reading one installment daily to help me remember what I was doing then. I will also be reading corresponding blog posts for 2016 when I was also in London for the Fall semester.  What fun it is to re-visit the other times I have spent living away from Southport!
     As I said, this is a boring post as I really have nothing much to report after a very happening week.
     Until tomorrow...


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