Monday, October 7, 2024

Fun Reunions with Multiple Groups of Friends in Fairfield, Connecticut, and a Couple of Routine Medical Appointments

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Fun Reunions with Multiple Groups of Friends in Fairfield, Connecticut, and a Couple of Routine Medical Appointments

Today was all about meeting Southport friends and breaking bread with them. We had incredibly lovely reunions with our large number of friends that made our day very special. And the food was fabulous too!!!!

Breakfast with the Pintos:

As Llew and I had made many appointments for Reunions with our friends at least two months in advance, I suppose it was inevitable that a couple of them would actually forget about our plans. This was the case with the Pintos—Ed and Marguerite—who have been firm family friends of ours for at least 35 years. They had just returned from Los Angeles themselves and were terribly jetlagged. So it was natural that while we arrived at 8.00 am for our Breakfast appointment with them at ‘McDonalds’ in Westport, they were nowhere in the scene. We finally texted them at 8.15 only to have them tell us sheepishly that they had overslept. They asked us for 20 minutes’ grace and were there within that time.

It is always a pleasure to see the Pintos. We always have so much to talk about…but this time, conversation was focused on their daughter Michelle and her three bright young lads—one of whom had just spent a week with the Pintos in Westport. Ed had many funny stories to tell about his interaction with this grandson. We also discussed our lives in Bombay and our health issues. Meanwhile, I really enjoyed my Pancakes and Maple Syrup with Sausage and decaff coffee. Before we knew it, it was 9.00 am and we had to say goodbye to them as we needed to drive to Trumbull for our 9.30 am appointment with our new dermatologist, Dr. Jeremy Moss.

Appointment with a New Dermatologist in Trumbull:

The trouble with having had the same doctors and specialists for over thirty years is that by the time you reach your age of retirement, they are retiring too. This is certainly the case with our internist, Dr. Monteiro and also with our dermatologist, Dr. Mark Ostreicher. Hence, Llew and I were seeing a new dermatologist in Trumbull called Dr. Jeremy Moss.

We found the place using our GPS and in no time had our sessions with the doctor. I now have a name for the strange uneven pigmentation issue on my skin that is causing tiny white spots all over it. Llew, strangely enough, has the exact same thing. Turns out it is a natural part of ageing and that large segments of the population (87%) have it. It is called Idiopathic Guttate Hypomelanosis (IGH for short) and requires no treatment as it is harmless. I was very satisfied with this diagnosis and, on a very happy note, we left.

b>Next Stop: Advanced Radiology:

Out next stop was Advanced Radiology in Stratford—a place to which I had been before—so that I would keep my 11.00 am appointment for a bone density test which my medical insurance covers once in two years. My endocrinologist was keen for me to undertake the test this year to monitor my level of bone calcium to prevent osteoporosis. And so there I was. Once I was taken in, it was a scan-like test that requires you to lie down and have scans done in your hip area. I had a skillful technician do it for me and in about fifteen minutes, I was all done. My test results would go directly to my doctors—my internists and my endocrinologist.

Off to the Pequot Library:

Next, we had a 1.30pm lunch appointment with my former Southport Book Club friends, but since we had about an hour to kill, we decided to stay within the Southport Village area and possibly see some old friends at the Pequot Library. And that was what we did. It was worth trying to squeeze in time to visit our beloved Pequot Library where we were volunteers for 32 years as we met our friends, Bob who was always fully active with our annual book sales and Leslie Mahtani (who works there as a librarian). Leslie is one of my closest friends. We took a few pictures together and then hurried along to our lunch appointment.

Lunch with Close Friends at the Pequot Yacht Club:

We met our friend, Alison Barry on the road, right after we found parking for our car. She too had been in my Southport Book Club (now sadly defunct) and it was great to see her. Our hostess, Joanie Frost, was also there, waiting for us and after warm hugs and affectionate whoops of delight at being together again, we ordered food inside and then sat down to eat it on the sunny deck overlooking the Mill River and the golf links across on the other bank. It was going to be Buffalo Chicken Wraps for Llew while I had the Beet Salad with Goat Cheese & Candied Bacon. Our friends chose salads too because they are wonderfully fresh in the summer.

The views across the harbor of the boats going in and out provide the perfect accompaniment for these sorts of summer meals and I loved the ambience of it all—so typically Southport in every possible way. We had a lovely chinwag that went on for almost two hours as we caught up on the goings-on of all our former Book Club members. To my delight, when I went upstairs to the top deck to shoot some pictures, I ran into yet another good friend, John Crocco, who was lunching with another friend of his. We visited with each other (and I brought Llew upstairs to meet John too) before we all parted and went our separate ways.

Appointment with our Optometrist in Bridgeport:

The next item on our agenda was our appointment with our optometrist, Dr. Simon, at Visions Center Associates in Bridgeport. Llew drove us there and, within a short time, we were greeting our friend Jeff who usually fits our glasses. Both Llew and I had our annual eye exams (also covered by our medical insurance) and soon we were coming to the conclusion that while there is a change in our glasses prescription, it is not worth making them in the USA. Jeff advised us to make them in India where they are much cheaper to make to order (and which is what we shall be doing). And so, that done, we made our way back to Bonnie and Art’s place to take rest and have our showers before we would be out again for the whole evening.

Early Light Supper with Friends at ‘Bloodroot’ in Bridgeport:

It is always a great pleasure for me to meet my dear friend, Dr. Elizabeth Petrino. We used to be colleagues and immediate neighbors (we shared neighboring offices) at Fairfield University’s English Department where I had spent two years as a full-time Visiting Professor before I obtained my full-time position at New York University. Liz and I had stayed in touch, over the years, as we got on really well and truly respect each other as scholars and as friends. Through the years, we have gotten to know members of our families too. Liz and her husband Tom are brilliant home chefs and we have eaten many memorable meals at their home.

This time, however, since I had a Book Club meeting to attend, a little later in the evening, and our Book Club meetings mean a full dinner, Llew and I asked Liz if she would do an early evening meeting somewhere closer to Fairfield as both Llew and I had plans for later in the day. They gladly obliged us and chose a health food place called ‘Bloodroot’, right by the water in Bridgeport (near St. Mary’s By The Sea) for our meal. It was super also to see their son, David, present. A lovely young man, he is in his final year at Fairfield University and is on the lookout for the most suitable college for his interests in Engineering.

In keeping with our desire to pick something light, I chose the Marinated Tofu Salad with Cabbage, Carrots and Sesame Seeds. Llew decided not to eat anything at all as he knew he’d have a load of finger food later. It was the organic Mixed Salad for Liz—a very colorful concoction that was visually most enticing. There was also dessert of Peach Cobbler for Liz—something from which I shied away. Llew excused himself and left a little early as Art was giving him a ride to his next appointment—a Boys Night Out (as traditionally occurred when we, Ladies, had out Book Club Meeting). It was at a place called ‘Brew Port’ in Bridgeport and off Llew went.

Book Club Meeting at Helene’s:

Not too long after supper, Liz and family offered to drop me off to the place in Fairfield where my Book Club Meeting would be held—it was the home of Helene, a new member who, in fact, took my place after I left the Club, a couple of years ago. She happens to be a lovely Frenchwoman who is married to an American man named Douglas. She does not live far from Mary-Lauren who introduced her to the Club.

It was absolutely joyous for me to see my Book Club girlfriends again. They congratulated me warmly on Chriselle’s wedding and wanted to know how it went and how she is doing. They were also discussing a book by Lisa See (whose books we have read before) entitled ‘Lady Tan’s Circle of Women’. I had intended to read the book in time for this meeting and had even downloaded it on my Ipad. But, needless to say, with all the travel and hectic activity I’ve had these past few weeks, it was simply impossible. I did enjoy listening to the discussion on the book and finding out that everyone liked it and all of them thought it completely worth reading. I have plans, therefore, to read it myself too, in due course.

After the book discussion, during which time we tucked into Helene’s dip with crudities and prosciutto-wrapped asparagus spears, we moved to her dining room to enjoy her dinner. She had been hard at work and missed our discussion but the salmon dinner she served us was good. It was Salmon Teriyaki accompanied by steamed beans and orzo salad. Dessert was Mixed Berry Crumble with vanilla ice-cream. Everything was wonderful. I felt as if I had never left the Book Club. It is amazing how Time seems to stand still when you are with old and very good friends. At any rate, I felt so fortunate that my gal friends included me in the meeting and welcomed me back so warmly. Bonnie, of course, gave me a ride back to her place as we were staying with her. When Llew returned, he told me that he was thrilled that the husbands of every single one of the ladies were present at the beer bar including Douglas (Helene’s husband) whom he was meeting for the first time. (Like all good guys, they did not take any pictures)! In fact, when Douglas got back home, we asked him to click some group pictures of us—which he did!

⁠It had been such a packed but fun day in our own former neck of the woods!

Until tomorrow, cheerio…

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