Saturday, October 12, 2024

Leaving Westchester, Mammograph at Fairfield, Lunch at Bonnie’s, Outlet Shopping at Clinton Crossings, Evening at my Brother’s, Dinner at Shake Shack

Monday, August 26, 2024

Fairfield, Connecticut

Leaving Westchester, Mammograph at Fairfield, Lunch at Bonnie’s, Outlet Shopping at Clinton Crossings, Evening at my Brother’s, Dinner at Shake Shack

Keeping a Medical Appointment:

Today was super crazy!

We awoke in our friends’, Allan and Anita’s place, in White Plains, Westchester, and since they had an early start and had already left for the day, we left as soon as we could, taking our things with us (only I left my black hoodie behind by mistake). We drove through quiet back streets using our Waze App and made our way straight to Trumbull where I had a 10.00 am Mammogram and ultra sound appointment with my radiologist, Dr. Neil Specht. But it seems I could only do the one and not the other as the technician was absent today. They gave me an appointment for the day after tomorrow, which means that I shall have to return to get it done. Huge Bummer!

Shopping at Walmart and Keeping Another Appointment:

Since I had an hour to kill, I told Llew that I would go to Walmart in Stratford and pick up our annual supply of Vitamins, Calcium and other supplements. This I did quite painlessly and then quickly drove back to Trumbull for my appointment with Dr. Glenn Rich, my endocrinologist. Turns out a change of systems & medical groups, caused me to be dropped off the schedule. Have been rescheduled for tomorrow at noon—double bummer!

Off for some Designer Outlet Shopping:

With a bit of time at our disposal (and realizing that we should make the most of every minute at our disposal and do all our intended shopping and not leave anything to be done in New Jersey, if we could help it), we decided to set off for Clinton Crossing. But our friend Bonnie insisted that we eat lunch at their’s before leaving. In fact, she had already set up a buffet of leftovers from her fridge—which we were glad to enjoy: Art’s flank steak with chimichurri sauce, Bonnie’s composed green salad, sweet potato fries, Lugano pizza from Centro. Yes, it was a delicious lunch and we enjoyed it.

But, not wanting to waste too much time, we got into our car and drove to Clinton, Connecticut. The place was empty—a far cry from Saturday afternoon when it had been heaving. Llew was very lucky, His intention was to get into Nike and buy himself a pair of sneakers—and he was very pleased to get a superb pair at a superb price. So the trip was vindicated. We poked around in a few other stores before we made our way back. Unfortunately, we were caught in horrendous traffic that slowed us down considerably. Still, we were back at Bonnie’s in time for showers and to pack all our stuff into the trunk of our car and bid goodbye to our friends as they would be leaving early tomorrow morning for their own trip to Cape Cod.

Leaving Bonnie’s, Settling into Mary-Lauren’s and Off to my Brother’s:

After saying our thanks and goodbye to our friends, we drove off to Southport to our friend, Mary-Lauren’s. Her husband Brett was working from home. It was he who showed us up to our room in their enormous home and made us feel comfortable. However, we did not stay long as we had plans to spend the evening with my brother.

The original plan was that we would have dinner at my brother’s place in Fairfield as both his children happened to be at home. Sadly, due to unavoidable circumstances, plans changed as they were unable to provide dinner. However, we had a lovely long visit with them and then left after taking a couple of pictures, as I knew that, with his son returning to uni, we would never get a complete family photograph again.

Dinner at Shake Shack:

One of my favorite upscale fast food chains at which to eat is Shake Shack and we decided that since we hadn’t eaten there yet, that would be our port of call. It was almost closing time when we got there, but we were able to place our order for their Shroom Burgers with Bacon and their extra-thick chocolate shakes which is exactly how I like them. Llew and I were the only ones at the place as we sat there and enjoyed our delicious dinner.

Just a little later, we drove to Mary-Lauren’s home and were very pleased to meet her, even if briefly, as she is off on a business trip, early tomorrow morning. We made some plans to take her out for lunch when she gets back as she will miss all the fun of the next few days with us at her place. However, her daughter Sage is home—which is a huge bonus as she is a very talkative and friendly young lady and it is always a pleasure to spend time with her.

All that was left was for us to say good night to our hosts and get ready for bed.

Until tomorrow…cheerio.

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